A foggy morning at Swantown Marina, Olympia WA
Cottage Life
I've been in a bit of a fog of late. Actually I've just been a little distracted. I think I'm just waiting for the light to finally turn green. I'm anticipating the change but can't actually go until the light really changes. So in the meantime though, there is a lot that I could be doing. Prep work. Organizing my little stash of stuff. Making lists of things that we will need and putting the "would likes" aside for a bit. Life is full of wonder. Whatever we need has a way of showing up right on time. And then there are all those "beyond what could be imagined" things that are sprinkled in. Had a great visit with my friend Sandy W. this afternoon. It's good to have someone to chuckle with about life's ups and downs, comparing trench notes as it were... a great wash of fresh air. Besides, I needed somebody to share my excitement with... The bearded one is the one who gets the brunt of all my planning and scheming. Bless his heart. He just smiles and ignores me. I'm so busy rattling on that I don't really notice so it's okay. There shall be family picnics and margaritas. We do have a blender. See I can't finish a sentence without going right back to the planning and dreaming. I think I shall burst...
A little Art...
It looks like a local hardware company is going to sponsor me in this year's spring Olympia Art walk. This is something that caught me by surprise. I've always been intrigued by the thought of putting some of my "stuff" out there but would never have gotten around to doing anything about it. Then it just so happens that someone knows someone and Wa Lah! It happened. Out of the blue. With out me lifting a finger. I am grateful for the opportunity, and now I get to figure out something to put out there. This is the cover of the Thurston County Direct sales Map That I've been working on.

Healthy Choices
We enjoyed a marvelous dinner last night with neighbors and friends which included fresh salad greens from Pat's Cloche, beets from her garden, lamb from her farm, potatoes from Melody's garden, and Costco's amazing little cream puffs for dessert. Paired with some lovely wine and good conversation it was a lovely time.
Hmmm... Pause for Thought
Eating Pat's fresh winter salad inspired me to look for great ways to have fresh veggies all year round.