A journal of sorts.

I am an avid photographer with a love for digital processing. The Bearded One and I have become "Townies" once again and are in the process of transforming our suburban nest into a peaceful refuge.
This blog is where I like to stash things. An assortment of random thoughts, a recipe or two, a few of my favorite photos, and the processing thereof.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almost April

Out and About

My entry for the phototips.biz challenge "inside-outside"

The Bearded One once again helped me out of a jam. I had to come up with something that was inside-outside. The interpretation was up to each one. This is what I came up with… A little creepy, but a lot of fun.

Cottage Life

We are counting down till we move in full time. Each weekend it gets a little harder to go back to the apartment. Thanks to "Little Tattoo mama" and "Ms Corporate" we have a lot less stuff to move. Way to go girls!!!

This weekend The Bearded one fixed up the herb boxes on the porch and hung up the hanging baskets for me. It looks a little more like home each weekend.

The Happy Homemaker

The Inn keeper got us a new vacuum for the cottage. It's made esp. for bare floors and low nap carpets. It seems to work really well although it kind of resembles an earwig. It has a v-shape nozzle on the front that looks just like an earwigs pincers. A little creepy but it works…


I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. 

Lily Tomlin 

Pasted from <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_funny3.html>

Till next post...Be well and take care of each other



  1. I knew you carried around a little george around in your pocket !

    Leslie.. ( Im not little tatoo mama) so I must be Ms. Corporate...hehehehe

  2. so the messaging was not working the other day so you got multiple messages.
