A journal of sorts.

I am an avid photographer with a love for digital processing. The Bearded One and I have become "Townies" once again and are in the process of transforming our suburban nest into a peaceful refuge.
This blog is where I like to stash things. An assortment of random thoughts, a recipe or two, a few of my favorite photos, and the processing thereof.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday, take another walk...


Cottage Living

Another day in La Grande. This morning's walk with the Kid's was only about 3 1/2 miles... I was really glad when we rounded the last block and saw "home". This is really good for me I know, so I try not to moan and groan the whole time. The reward built in to the system is that the turn around spot is the uptown Safeway Starbucks. Okay so I probably drink more than half the calories burned with the latte. I don't want to talk about it. It is the carrot at the end of the stick. Actually truth be known, it's the bathroom that I'm looking forward to at midpoint. Today Son came with us. He's a trooper. Jodi kept us both on our toes. Literally.

Saturday is the big "engagement" shoot with Tucker and Nicole. That should be a hoot. The kid's are scouting out locations and "Themes".  I've been checking out samples of other photographer's work and found this cool couple that go by the name "Stonecrandall.com" Amazing, and inspiring photography. Check it out, some unique ideas and great use of post processing.

Before and after project 365

Still in LaGrande... this is where I used to work during my short stint with Union Pacific.


The tracks heading towards Nampa...

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I added some "art" layers to this one. I love the way it takes your eyes way down the tracks.


Pause for thought...

Just for fun... a classic. The "Bearded One" and I once contemplated taking to the road... this will cure you.

Until next time...

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