A journal of sorts.

I am an avid photographer with a love for digital processing. The Bearded One and I have become "Townies" once again and are in the process of transforming our suburban nest into a peaceful refuge.
This blog is where I like to stash things. An assortment of random thoughts, a recipe or two, a few of my favorite photos, and the processing thereof.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Manic Monday


Cottage Life

I work outside. All year. Sometimes that can be good, sometimes not so good. Today was spectacular. The weekend's rain had washed and renewed the landscapes I visited and at one in particular it gave me glistening diamonds.


It was absolutely amazing.

Everywhere I turned there were sparkling droplets.


This Alberta Spruce in spite of  having some obvious health issues, was decorated from top to bottom.

Before and After

Boots before after

Healthy Choices

Introducing... Chub Cam


I will be posting a snapshot of my pudgy face every week along with my food and gym journal. The plan is to be able to see some progress as time goes by. It is supposed to be an incentive for me to pay attention and "stick to the plan" It seems the older I get the less committed I am. Anyway There should be over time a visible difference. If not I will resort to photoshop... ;-) I will be posting today's journal tomorrow... Just in case I get a hankering for something to nibble this evening. (just kidding, I'll be good.)


Hmmm... Pause for thought.

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
Bill Cosby


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